Formosan Termites

C. formosanus


Originally from China, Formosan termites are the most voracious, aggressive and devious of over 2,000 termite species known to science. Formosan termites are a subterranean species of termite. Swarmer formosan termite are about 1/2 inch in overall length, including their wings.


Formosans are organized into huge underground colonies, and build intricate mud nests inside the walls of a structure.


Formosan termites are the most aggressive subterranean termite species. Formosans are organized into huge underground colonies, and build intricate mud nests inside the walls of a structure.


Because of their aggressive nature, formosan termites are difficult to control once they infest a structure. Prevention is key. If dealing with an existing infestation, talk to a pest professional about formosan termite treatment.