Bandicoot Rat or Larger/Greater Bandicoot Rat

Bandicota indica


Adult : Dark, greyish-brown, 30-40cms with an equally long tail. Similar to Mole-Rat, but much larger, weighing as much as 1.4kg!

Life Cycle

Female has between 8-10 litters. Young (8-14 per litter) are born blind and naked. Young reach sexual maturity around 50-60 days after birth. Life span of adults is around a year.


Large, aggressive animals that erect their guard hairs on their backs and emit grunts when disturbed. If caged with other bandicoots, it is likely to fight to death within a few hours. Usually occupies the outskirts of human dwellings such as compounds and gardens and is commonly found near garbage bins. Its burrowing habits cause great damage to grounds and flooring as it can also tunnel through brick and masonry. The characteristic large burrow gives away its presence. A totally non-fussy eater, it is equally comfortable feeding on household refuse, grain and vegetables and is a very serious pest in poultry farms. Like its smaller cousin, it is also a carrier for many diseases.